AI Awareness and Prompting Skills for Future Media Educators: Insights from a TADAM Workshop in Finland
Tampere University and the Humak University of Applied Sciences organised a workshop on November 19th (2024) for Humak community educator students (bachelor level). Most of them are future media educators for young people.
In the workshop, students learned about prompting and the role of AI in, for example, everyday youth work. The content focused especially on inclusive media education, where the objective is to provide equal learning opportunities for all, taking into account several backgrounds and learning needs. Students reflected on how to promote AI awareness and how to enable inclusion for all in an AI-infused society.
The main activity of the workshop was group work in which students designed a learning activity using AI to improve AI awareness within their chosen target group. As the main result of the workshop, the students’ own understanding of the use of AI and critical analysis of AI was deepened. According to the students’ answers, the practical workshop approach will also be an important tool for future community educators when they later work with their own target groups.

The feedback showed that the students were satisfied with the workshop. They were happy with the workshop methodology and felt that working with other students was useful. The students agreed that the workshop enhanced their knowledge of AI and provided them with practical skills that they did not have yet. The workshop also motivated them to learn more about AI related themes.
Authors and workshop organizers:
Sirkku Kotilainen and Tuulikki Alamettälä (TAU) together with Suvi Tuominen (HUMAK)