The TADAM consortium met in Florence
On 23 and 24 January 2025, members of the 9 partner organisations in the TADAM consortium met on Italian soil, hosted by the University of Florence.

This physical meeting was an opportunity to take stock of the activities that have taken place over the last few months, in particular the organisation of local workshops.
In 2024, a total of 9 workshops were organized, involving 200 participants. These events were predominantly conducted in person, with only one adopting a blended format. The workshops aimed to address key objectives outlined in the project proposal, focusing on co-designing media education strategies, fostering bottom-up methodologies, and engaging cross-sectoral actors to collaboratively build knowledge.
The content of the workshops covered four key topics. The most frequently addressed were “Developing Skills as a Critical AI Prompter” and “Reflecting on AI’s Positive and Negative Roles in Media Production”, each explored in 3 different workshops.
In terms of audience, the workshops primarily engaged media educators and media professionals, reflecting the project’s emphasis on professionals in the media field.
The outcomes of these workshops included best practices, operational guidelines, and strategic discussions.
The consortium partners were also invited to look back at the year 2024 and highlight the successes of the TADAM project. Among the successes identified were:
- Great participation and high interest for the Initial Seminar
- Quality of exchanges during the initial Seminar, that help to learn more about AI
- Successful organisation of the initial Seminar
- Great interest and high participation of audience for our local workshops
- Very productive workshops in terms of content
- Opportunities of networking and exchanges
- New scientific perspectives
- Journalists more curious about AI
Looking ahead to 2025, the consortium was asked about their wishes for the TADAM project:
- To have more people involved
- More hands on workshops
- Transforming the collected content into concrete outputs, concrete activities
- Successfully organization of future activities with good cooperation among the partners
- To produce high quality material for the media edukathon
- To train more journalists on AI tools that could facilitate their work and adopt strategies to face the negative impact of AI on their jobs
- To raise awareness on AI literacy on future teachers
- To have good streams of prospective activities for WP4 and great synthesis and debates on Online Labs.
- Successful webinars
- More opportunities to promote the project at events
- Easy dissemination of results during international conferences and events
- To use this knowledge academically
- To be able to learn more about AI and be creative on how to communicate the knowledge in the public.
During the two-day meeting, the partners worked on the content resulting from all the workshops in order to identify the issues to be addressed in the next phase of the project. Among the themes that could be explored in greater depth during the subsequent phases of the project are, for example
- How to foster “critical prompting” for (future) journalists (ensure information quality)in GenAI environments.
- The world through the lenses of AI and what are the issues in terms of ethics? How does AI portray the world?
- How can we be critical regarding AI from a political and economical perspective?
- How can we deconstruct the misinformation around AI and raise critical awareness
and literacy? - How do we foster critical awareness on AI from the perspectives of privacy and
influence on lives? - How does the shift from focusing on AI’s output to its production process challenge our understanding of expertise, trust, and the role of human agency in AI-driven systems?
- The Growing Importance of Language, Literacy, and Descriptive Skills in an Interactive Generative AI World
A rich and ambitious programme! Find out more about these discussions and invitations to participative webinars very soon, and also on the platform.